Arizona passes gold and silver legal tender bill

But you can’t buy your groceries with silver coins just yet, the bill, SB 1439, still requires the governor’s signature.

The legislation was inspired by Utah’s legal tender law passed in 2011. Arizona’s version would allow Arizona residents to use gold and silver with the same recognition as Federal Reserve notes starting in 2014… assuming of course that your local grocery store is willing to accept your silver coins; the bill does not require anyone to accept gold or silver in payment.

Predictions on gold, bonds, “cut-off of supply chains” and the bypassing of the US Dollar from Jim Willie

In a recent interview with the always exuberant Jim Willie gives some very interesting predictions.

Jim sees the BRIIICS (that includes Iran and Indonesia) moving away from the US Dollar, the Yen and the Euro and adopting a USD alternative for trade. He believes the East will sell off its US bonds, continue to purchase gold (driving it up to $7,500) and perhaps adopt “gold trade notes”. As he sees it the consequences of this will not be inflation, but a “large widespread cut-off of supply chains” in the states as foreigners will not be willing to accept US Dollars.

The 28min interview is full of colorful commentary and interesting thoughts including the possibility of “bail-in’s” in the states.

Read More about Predictions on gold, bonds, “cut-off of supply chains” and the bypassing of the US Dollar from Jim Willie

GATA Fundraiser and Sovereign Social Jan 19th in Vancouver

The members and shareholders of The Sovereign Exchange will be in Vancouver on Saturday afternoon, January 19th, at 4:00 PM, for a private networking event with Chris Powell and Bill Murphy, Secretary and Chairman of The Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee, who will speak about their most recent efforts to influence transparency in the metal’s markets.

Read More about GATA Fundraiser and Sovereign Social Jan 19th in Vancouver

Jim Willie: The Coming Isolation of the US Dollar

“The typical human reaction to any infection, vermin, danger, or toxicity is to stand back, to isolate the agent, to trap it, to prevent its further spread or release, then to remove it in a safe secure way if possible using trained professionals. Eventually decisions must be made on the level of acceptable risk on the removal, like what is willing to be lost or damaged or killed in the process. Risk analysis, cost trade-offs, and minimization decisions must be evaluated and executed. The toxic agent in global trade, global banking, and global bond market is the USDollar. In 2009, the Jackass began making a certain firm point. Those nations that depart from the entire USDollar system early will be the leading nations in the next chapter, with stronger foundations, richer solvency, emerging economies, healthier financial markets, efficient credit engines, growing wealth, stronger political helm activity, and better functioning systems generally.“

Read More about Jim Willie: The Coming Isolation of the US Dollar