eBay flirting with Bitcoin
It seems that the online commerce giant eBay has its eyes on Bitcoin. This is of course a bit surprising as eBay is the owner of PayPal which has a lot to loose from Bitcoin’s success. However, in the past week two indications of eBays interest in Bitcoin have popped up.
First eBay added, and then removed, ‘Virtual Currency’ to its categories of items for sale.
But even more interestingly eBay appears to have produced a video about Bitcoin which they posted to their blog. The post is titled What’s the Deal with Bitcoins anyway? And curiously is presented without a date, seems to be only accessible directly via the URL and with this disclaimer at the top, “*This video was created for informational and educational purposes.”
The video does present Bitcoin in an unbiased and educational fashion.
The post and the video asks “What do you think? Are bitcoins the real deal?” however, comments are not allowed. … What’s the deal with eBay and Bitcoin?