Bits and Pieces 14thSep
BitPay passes 1,000 merchants, more Romeny/Bitcoin drama, the poor ‘opting out’ of banking, Spanish gold and hyperinflation.
BitPay passes 1,000 merchants, more Romeny/Bitcoin drama, the poor ‘opting out’ of banking, Spanish gold and hyperinflation.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not suggesting you sell your gold for Bitcoins. What I’m saying is although they may not realize it, Bitcoin is a goldbugs friend. It has a real chance of changing the way the average person thinks about money and that is good news for anyone who is not a fan of fiat.
Euro Pacific Bank’s gold debit card has been available since late last year and now BitInstant has a Bitcoin backed debit card in the works.
While these are wonderful new innovations that no doubt will help alternative currency users, the current options come with catches as they are compromises between the old fiat system and their more innovative alternatives.
Read More about New Debit Cards Offer Options but Come with Compromises
Vietnam’s ‘war on gold’, GATA’s TV appearance, Bitcoin’s struggles with how to police theft, e-billion news and more.
The Financial Times has just released an article claiming that several people familiar with the CFTC’ silver investigation are saying that the regulator has not found enough evidence to pursue a legal case and will soon drop the investigation.
Read More about Rumour has it the CFTC may drop its silver market investigation
I once again subjected myself to a House Subcommittee hearing; this time I was pleasantly surprized.
Yesterday the House Subcommittee on Financial Services, held a hearing titled “Sound Money: Parallel Currencies and the Roadmap to Monetary Freedom”. There were an excellent group of witnesses, some intelligent questions from the committee members and testimony from Mr Rob Grey of The American Open Currency Standard that you don’t want to miss.
I recently sat down to review the ‘prepaid access’ issue and look for any new developments. Here are a few notes on what I found…
The Vietnamese government recently enacted Decree No 24, which essentially shuts down small gold shops and creates a state monopoly where only state-appointed organizations are allowed to trade gold.
Read More about Small gold shops in Vietnam adapt to gold trading ban
It seems that PayPal has changed its terms and now wants to monitor merchants online content to prevent sharing of “illegal content”.