GATA Fundraiser and Sovereign Social Jan 19th in Vancouver

The members and shareholders of The Sovereign Exchange will be in Vancouver on Saturday afternoon, January 19th, at 4:00 PM, for a private networking event with Chris Powell and Bill Murphy, Secretary and Chairman of The Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee, who will speak about their most recent efforts to influence transparency in the metal’s markets.

Read More about GATA Fundraiser and Sovereign Social Jan 19th in Vancouver

GATA’s Chris Powell explains the importance of gold price manipulation

It’s the destruction of markets and it’s the manipulation of the value of all capital, labour and goods and services in the world.

In a recent appearance on RT’s Capital Account GATA’s Chris Powell gave an excellent explanation of why market manipulation is an important issue.

“What they are doing is really [trying] to seize control of everything economic in the world. And really surreptitiously behind peoples backs. It’s an essentially tyrannical system, that is what we are trying to expose. “

Read More about GATA’s Chris Powell explains the importance of gold price manipulation

Bits and Pieces 5thSep

North Dakota congressional candidate Eric Olson accepts donations to his campaign in Bitcoin  And sitting New Hampshire state representative Mark Warden is accepting them for his re-election campaign.

Attention digital currency providers, start advertising in Argentina.

BitInstant’s Charlie Shrem wants Bitcoiners to “get together and get a SuperBowl ad” adding that “I want this commercial to be a statement to the banks and governments of the world and say ‘Look, your people don’t like your fiscal policies, you’ve put us in a recession, you’re screwing us up so much. We’re taking control of our own money, the way we’re doing it is Bitcoin.’ I want to scare them.

Also, in the next few weeks BitInstant should be open for business in Canada, 3,700 people have already signed up to get the new Bitcoin debit card, and loads more Bitcoin debit card details here

GATA Chairman Bill Murphy is appearing on Russia Today’s “Capital Account” program at 4:30 p.m. ET Wednesday.

And yet another community currency in Spain

Fed side stepping transaction and ownership issues by conducting its own gold audit?

As reported recently in several major newspapers and on Zero Hedge, the NY Fed is undergoing an audit of the gold stored in the vault of its Wall Street office. Reportedly about 23% of the world’s official gold reserves, including gold owned by foreign countries and the IMF, are stored in the central bank’s vault. One could assume from the Fed’s timing that this might be an effort to put to rest ‘conspiracy theories’ about the Fed’s missing gold. Although those concerned about the Fed’s ‘transactions’ in gold, see this as the Fed’s attempt to quiet concerns while avoiding the real issue.

Read More about Fed side stepping transaction and ownership issues by conducting its own gold audit?