Bitcoin Money Supply and Money Creation

Many articles mention, that the limited Bitcoin money supply is a major advantage of this digital currency. The reasoning usually goes like this. Since Bitcoins can only be created through mining and there is an upper limit of 21 million, Bitcoin is supposed to be inflation proof. This article for instance says, Bitcoin “theoretically eliminates inflation”. If this was true, Bitcoins would not lose purchasing power. The Bitcoins I own today would buy me the same amount of goods and services tomorrow. Or a larger amount in the case of deflation.

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Bank robbery in Cyprus; depositors set to have up to 10% of funds seized

stickup-cyprus-blLike most of Europe, Cyprus and it’s banks are in trouble.

In a bailout deal with the Eurozone Cyprus’s bank account holders are being forced to pay the bill…not troubled bank bond holders, depositors. “The illusion that depositors don’t need to yank their money out of threatened banks because they’ll be protected has been shattered.”

Come Tuesday morning Cyprus’s bank account holders could see their balance shrink as much as 10%.

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