The Blue Market: Bitcoin, Dollars and Pot-Banging Protests in Argentina

From The Blue Market

This post is a peep into the underground exchange markets for dollars and bitcoins in Argentina. For the last couple of weeks, I have experienced the informal exchange of bitcoin and dollars on first hand in Buenos Aires. Furthermore, I have realized how both locals and expats may reap significant gains by using bitcoins as a medium of exchange.

  Read More about The Blue Market: Bitcoin, Dollars and Pot-Banging Protests in Argentina

Capital Controls: IEEPA, Gold and Argentina


Video Link

Bad economic times and capital controls go hand in hand. In 1933 FDR used Executive Order 6102 to confiscate US citizen’s gold as mentioned in the above video. The International Emergency Economic Powers Act (IEEPA), means the same thing could happen again today.

Extreme capital controls aren’t just a possibility, they are a reality in a many parts of the world, particularly Argentina.

Read More about Capital Controls: IEEPA, Gold and Argentina

Bits and Pieces 5thSep

North Dakota congressional candidate Eric Olson accepts donations to his campaign in Bitcoin  And sitting New Hampshire state representative Mark Warden is accepting them for his re-election campaign.

Attention digital currency providers, start advertising in Argentina.

BitInstant’s Charlie Shrem wants Bitcoiners to “get together and get a SuperBowl ad” adding that “I want this commercial to be a statement to the banks and governments of the world and say ‘Look, your people don’t like your fiscal policies, you’ve put us in a recession, you’re screwing us up so much. We’re taking control of our own money, the way we’re doing it is Bitcoin.’ I want to scare them.

Also, in the next few weeks BitInstant should be open for business in Canada, 3,700 people have already signed up to get the new Bitcoin debit card, and loads more Bitcoin debit card details here

GATA Chairman Bill Murphy is appearing on Russia Today’s “Capital Account” program at 4:30 p.m. ET Wednesday.

And yet another community currency in Spain