Networks will form and needs will be met. The mechanics of Bitcoin adoption.
Bitcoin is fast, secure, nearly free, has a stable supply and has a high level of user control… its just plain better than the banks. You have to wonder why the hell everyone isn’t using it? But the Bitcoin economy is still fragmented and dependent on payment processors and exchangers.
Merchants accept bitcoin only to convert it back into their local fiat currency, and who can blame them? There just aren’t enough bitcoin accepting businesses out there and they have suppliers and landlords to pay. But bitcoin was meant to be a peer-to-peer currency, not a peer to exchanger to bank to bank to exchanger to peer currency.
Crypto will win the currency wars, but it may be a while before it reaches your home town. Bitcoin is better, but change is hard.
Read More about Networks will form and needs will be met. The mechanics of Bitcoin adoption.