Bits and Pieces 1stAug

Bitcoin is now on Brazilian regulators radar. Recently the Comissão de Valores Mobiliários, the Brazilian version of the US’s the Securities and Exchange Commission, ordered a Brazilian man to suspend the operations of his investment fund. Leandro César, an IT Consultant from Belo Horizonte, had setup a small (~US$4,500) investment fund denominated entirely in bitcoin.

Ron Paul’s Audit the Fed bill passes the house

Bitcoin continues its international expansion. In May, Bitcoin caught on in China with a 700% volume increase and BitInstant customers in the US, Russia and Brazil were given 700,000 more locations to purchase bitcoins. Now Bitcoin Nordic, a new Denmark based exchange, is looking to expand into the North Africa and the Middle East market by accepting CashU, a popular payment option in the region.



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The goal for the blog is a very simple one, to be the best source of news and information out there for anyone interested in alternatives to fiat.

We will be posting stories on anything and everything that affects the alternative currency industry, from changes in laws and regulations to news on supporting technologies to the increasing turmoil in fiat currencies. And as always, we pursue this goal with a strong commitment to the long term growth of Digital Gold Currency.

In the near future will also be posting work from contributors and will feature a contributors page.  If you’ve got something to say don’t be shy! We are always interested in new ideas and options on these topics.

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