Bitcoin on a Roll

  • As Bitcoin’s USD value shoots above $100, Bitcoin ATM is getting quite a lot of attention. CEO Jeff Berwick has made numerous appearances on financial news shows.

On Tuesday Jeff appeared on CNBS’s “Squawk on the Street” to discuss Bitcoin with Rick Santelli.

In an interview with Business Insider Jeff announced that Bitcoin ATM now has “orders for 300+ machines in 30+ countries and are moving quickly to handle the demand.”

  • The BitcoinStore, a new Bitcoin electronics seller and self-proclaimed competitor to Amazon, has sold $500,000 worth of products and renewed its contract with its wholesaler. The contract with Ingram allows the online store to offer product at lower prices than retailers such Amazon and NewEgg.
  • Western Union considers using Bitcoin.


Ukash introduces Cash Withdrawals service in the UK

Later this month Ukash customers in the UK will be able to easily convert their Ukash vouchers back into cash, no credit card needed.  To provide this service Ukash has partnered with PayPoint who has more than 24,000 locations in the UK.

Ukash CEO, David Hunter, says the partnership will provide consumers with greater flexibility and will encourage more e-commerce retailers to add Ukash as a payment option.

More details here.

Bits and Pieces 29thMar13

  • The BRICS nations, 43 percent of the world’s population, are working on a new “development bank” set to bypass the World Bank and the IMF.

“There’s a shift in power from the traditional to the emerging world.”

The move is seen as a way for BRICS to protect themselves from the US and Europe’s financial trouble and as a way to increase their global financial influence.

Details here  and here.

  • Russia to ban cash transactions over $10,000
  • Bitcoin’s market capitalization briefly hits $1Billion!
  • Texas want’s its gold back from the Fed.


Will FinCEN attempt to regulate virtual currency exchanges outside the US?

We’ll just have to wait and see, but it looks like they might try. In a ‘guidance’ issued in February last year FinCEN believes that a business may qualify as a Money Services Business “based on its activities within the United States, even if none of its agents, agencies, branches or offices are physically located in the United States.”

Read More about Will FinCEN attempt to regulate virtual currency exchanges outside the US?

DollarVigilante: World’s First Bitcoin ATM Heading to Cyprus

bitcoinatm-crop“While European politicos negotiate in Brussels, deciding the fate of other people’s money in Cyprus, the free market has already moved in to help Cypriots get access to their money via other means.

The Dollar Vigilante‘s editor-in-chief and Bitcoin ATM CEO, Jeff Berwick, is planning the first Bitcoin ATM. “If we did this now, and we are moving quickly to make this so, we would be the only functioning ATM on the island.”

The planned ATM will allow users to deposit fiat and receive Bitcoin as well as send Bitcoin and receive fiat in return.

Read More about DollarVigilante: World’s First Bitcoin ATM Heading to Cyprus

What FinCEN’s guidance could mean for Bitcoin

As you would expect the Bitcoin world is abuzz with commentary and speculation about the consequences of the FinCEN paper. Some of the more interesting theories on its implications are below…

FinCEN’s guidance may lead to Bitcoin businesses being required to obtain separate money transmitter licenses in 48 states; a difficult and very expensive task. Payment Source.

Could FinCEN’s target be Bitcoin’s anonymity? Might they target Bitcoin mixing services? The Ümlaut.

The guidance may imply that every person who has ever had any virtual currency and exchanged it for ‘real’ currency can now be considered a money transmitter.  The Bitcoin Foundation.

FinCEN Issues “Guidance on Virtual Currencies”

fincen.header-editThis guidance was issued to “provide clarity and regulatory certainty for businesses and individuals engaged in an expanding field of financial activity.” Or put another way, FinCEN explains who exactly they intend to regulate.

FinCEN covers their bases here discussing “users, administrators, and exchangers… persons creating, obtaining, distributing, exchanging, accepting or transmitting” virtual currencies, both centralized and de-centralized, e-currencies and e-precious metals.

  • FinCEN sees those dealing in virtual currencies as their regulatory responsibility
  • Users, and Bitcoin miners seem to be exempt from regulation for the moment
  • Buying or selling virtual currencies for “any reason” can make you a money transmitter and subject to FinCEN regulation
  • Virtual currency dealers are NOT necessarily foreign exchange dealers
  • FinCEN rules can also apply to those dealing in e-precious metals
  • However, Prepaid Access rules do NOT apply to virtual currencies

Summary below.

Read More about FinCEN Issues “Guidance on Virtual Currencies”

Bank robbery in Cyprus; depositors set to have up to 10% of funds seized

stickup-cyprus-blLike most of Europe, Cyprus and it’s banks are in trouble.

In a bailout deal with the Eurozone Cyprus’s bank account holders are being forced to pay the bill…not troubled bank bond holders, depositors. “The illusion that depositors don’t need to yank their money out of threatened banks because they’ll be protected has been shattered.”

Come Tuesday morning Cyprus’s bank account holders could see their balance shrink as much as 10%.

Read More about Bank robbery in Cyprus; depositors set to have up to 10% of funds seized

GoldMoney Reduces Fees

Storage fees for gold stored at all VIA MAT vaults will be reduced by a third to 0.12% per annum.

Storage fees for silver stored with VIA MAT Switzerland will be reduces by half to 0.49% per annum or 0.39% per annum for more than 50,000 ounces of silver.

Minimum storage fee will be reduced to only 0.001 grams per month for gold, platinum and palladium, and 0.001 ounces per month for silver.

The changes, beginning in April, also include a reduction in metal-to-metal exchange fees and new bar registration & storage options.

Check out all the details here.