Singapore Scraps it’s 7% Tax on Gold and Silver

Singapore scraps it’s 7% tax on gold and silver in an effort to turn the city into a precious-metals trading hub to rival London and Zurich. “There has been a dramatic increase in customers wanting to move out of paper, that is over-the-counter gold, and into physical,” said Cedric Chanu, director, Asia precious-metals trading at Deutsche Bank. “We’re seeing customers wanting to move their gold from Europe into Singapore.”

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Capital Controls: IEEPA, Gold and Argentina


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Bad economic times and capital controls go hand in hand. In 1933 FDR used Executive Order 6102 to confiscate US citizen’s gold as mentioned in the above video. The International Emergency Economic Powers Act (IEEPA), means the same thing could happen again today.

Extreme capital controls aren’t just a possibility, they are a reality in a many parts of the world, particularly Argentina.

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Monetas is bringing ‘banking’ and business tools to the worlds mobile phone users with two new products.

Monetas is a digital finance company run by Johann Gevers and “Fellow Traveler” Chris Odom, the creator of the OpenTransactions open source software. The aim of the business is to build high-end applications using the OT software, and they have just announced two new products.

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New Debit Cards Offer Options but Come with Compromises

Euro Pacific Bank’s gold debit card has been available since late last year and now BitInstant has a Bitcoin backed debit card in the works.

While these are wonderful new innovations that no doubt will help alternative currency users, the current options come with catches as they are compromises between the old fiat system and their more innovative alternatives.

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