Capital Controls: IEEPA, Gold and Argentina


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Bad economic times and capital controls go hand in hand. In 1933 FDR used Executive Order 6102 to confiscate US citizen’s gold as mentioned in the above video. The International Emergency Economic Powers Act (IEEPA), means the same thing could happen again today.

Extreme capital controls aren’t just a possibility, they are a reality in a many parts of the world, particularly Argentina.

Read More about Capital Controls: IEEPA, Gold and Argentina

Wrestling with Bitcoin. Why even hard-core goldbugs should respect and support cryptocurrencies.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not suggesting you sell your gold for Bitcoins. What I’m saying is although they may not realize it, Bitcoin is a goldbugs friend. It has a real chance of changing the way the average person thinks about money and that is good news for anyone who is not a fan of fiat.

Read More about Wrestling with Bitcoin. Why even hard-core goldbugs should respect and support cryptocurrencies.